Australian People and Organisations


  • Fraser 'Sh_tc_nt' Anning (this guy is a missing person ... please let us know if you see him)
  • Eric 'Malignant Tumour on the Australian Body Politic' Abetz
  • James Ashby
  • Kevin Bailey
  • Cory Bernardi
  • George 'Bookshelves' Brandis
  • Michaela 'Whiteboards' Cash
  • George 'Member for Manila' Christensen
  • Matthias 'Economic Girly Man' Cormann
  • Steve Dickson
  • Alexander Downer
  • Georgina Downer
  • Peter 'Mr Potatohead' Dutton
  • Mitch 'Mediocre White Man' Fifield
  • Joel 'Coal Shitgibbon' Fitzgibbon
  • Josh ‘Mullet’ Frydenberg
  • Adam Giles
  • Pru 'Awfully Fond of John Winston' Goward
  • Matthew 'Mobster Lobster' Guy
  • Pauline Hanson
  • Andrew Hastie
  • Joe 'Leaner not a Lifter' Hockey
  • Greg Hunt 'with a Silent C' 
  • Barnaby 'The Mad Beetrorter/Beetrooter' Joyce
  • Craig Kelly
  • Michael Kroger
  • Andrew ‘Lamo’ Laming
  • Jim ‘The Actual Butcher of Fallujah’ Molan
  • Scott 'Backpfeifengesicht' Morrison
  • Warren Mundine
  • Brendan 'War Theme Park' Nelson
  • Kelly O'Dwyer
  • Christian 'Alleged Anal Rapist' Porter 
  • Andrew 'Landbridge' Robb
  • Stuart 'Information Superhighway' Robb
  • Malcolm Roberts aka "Malcolm-Ieuan: Roberts., the living soul"
  • Kevin Rudd
  • Angus Taylor
  • Alan Tudge 


  • George  'The jury found me guilty, so I got the other guys in wigs and robes to fix it for me' Pell
  • Brian 'Don't tell anyone my dad's a paedo' Houston


  • Tim Blair
  • Andrew 'Sometimes I just make shit up' Bolt
  • Caleb 'Idiot Child' Bond
  • Ross 'Moonman' Cameron
  • Daisy 'Useful Idiot' Cousens
  • Rowan 'What the fuck use is this guy?' Dean
  • Miranda Devine
  • Ray 'AVO' Hadley
  • Alan 'Public Toilet' Jones
  • Kerri-Anne ‘We should use protesters as speed bumps’ Kennerley
  • Chris 'Fido' Kenny
  • Eddie '#NotMyPresident' McGuire
  • Sam 'Blackface' Newman
  • Rita Panahi
  • Ben Roberts-Smith
  • Greg 'More often wrong than right' Sheridan
  • Steve Price
  • Renee Viellaris


  • George Calombaris 
  • Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest
  • Gerry Harvey
  • Maurice Newman
  • Rupert Murdoch
  • Dick Smith
  • The Big Four Banks (National Australia Bank, Commonwealth Bank, ANZ, Westpac)


  • Institute of Public Affairs (IPA)
  • One Nation
  • National Party of Australia
  • United Patriots Front (UPF)
  • The Sydney Institute (but especially Gerard ‘Gollum’ Henderson)


  • The Shoppies (worst union ever) 
  • John Setka

Biggest Loser Award Nominees

Awarded to those who've excelled at losing. By definition none of these can win.

  • 'Tosspot' Tony Abbott 
  • Peta Credlin
  • Mark Latham


  • Russ Hinze
  • Joh Bjelke-Petersen
  • The Late John Winston 'Little Man' Howard (sometimes just known as 'The Rat')



  • 45 (aka Drumpf)
  • William Barr
  • Tony 'War Criminal' Blair
  • David 'Pig Fellatio' Cameron
  • Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson 




Frequently Anticipated Questions

What is this list?

Just a short list of people and organisations who we think are making Australia a worse place.

What should we do with this list?

Nothing. It's just a list.

Do you have any advice?

“Hide your strength, bide your time, never take the lead.” - Deng Xiaoping

How many times have you said to yourself, "That grub needs to go on a list!"

If you're like us, it happens every day.

Well ... now we have a list.

Listen to our podcast: The Harsh Couch 

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